Tips for Wardrobe Shopping with Kids

Much of my shopping as a Kids Lifestyle Photo Stylist is online and by collaborating with brands who have lent me items for shoots in return for photo credit.  But sometimes it’s necessary to go out to stores and shop for wardrobe items. (Either because of time constraint, it’s a rush job, I really just have to see item(s) in person or I would like to supplement what I have and give more options to my clients.)  Also, it's such a fun part of the job as a kids stylist, to go and shop to find the perfect wardrobe (and props) for shoots. 

Through years of working with child models, I try to make every effort, when I can, to let the models select some of their clothing for photo shoots at the shoot. Sometimes, of course, it's not possible.  (When all wardrobe pieces are lent to us for the shoot and they all have to returned to the childrenswear/wardrobe supplier after we complete/wrap the photo shoot.) 

When I begin to shop and prepare for a shoot, I discuss with the Creative Director and Photographer the feel/vibe/color palette of the shoot and bring TONS of options to the shoot and from there we select/edit items.

Honestly, when a child gets a choice in selecting some clothing pieces, you can actually see their face light up, the “spring” in their step and this all shows through the camera when we are on set or location shooting, which of course makes for great images for clients!  So really, it’s all so “win win” for everyone!  Or if I know they really love an item and we don’t select if for the photo shoot, I give/gift them the piece they love as we wrap up the photo shoot. 

So, I thought I would share some of my shopping tips for your shopping trips!  I use these very guidelines when shopping for a photo shoot.  Main thing is have fun!  Shopping for fashion should be (& can be) fun!

1.  Look for Inspiration Before You Get to the Store

Look through Children’s Fashion Magazines and Catalogs together with your child to get an idea of what styles they like. What patterns? What colors? It's a “neutral ground” where they can share their ideas with you - not in the dressing room of a store - where maybe a “disagreement” ;) convo could happen!  Make it an activity and conversation to search for and get ideas before you go shopping.  This works in many situations with kids, right!?  Things go more smooth when they feel they can make choices for themselves.  So, make it fun!  Because it really can be a lot of fun! 

2.  Let Kids Personality Shine Through

Let your child’s personality shine through in their wardrobe!  Again, kids will be happier having an input in what you select!  Oftentimes, you can pull color palettes, patterns, and personality from how their bedroom is styled.  Fashion style often echoes other styles in our lives - like our home decor, hobbies, etc.

3.  Buy The Right Size

Resist the urge to always buy a size bigger that they can “grow into”.  Fit is important.  When you think about it, when we feel that something fits us and looks great on us - we feel great!  Fashion and wardrobe is one way that our kids feel confidence in themselves.  Think about yourself - If you feel you look great and you are comfortable in what you are wearing - you do great!  (Kids are the same.)

4.  Buy Off-Season

Buying your classic items that never go “out of style” like tee shirts and jeans can be “cost effective”. Also, buy off season clearance clothing where you can get some great pieces on sale.  For example, like a summer sundress you can layer with a winter cardigan or wear a turtleneck underneath the sundress for cooler days.

5.  Buy Classic Wardrobe Items and Purchase Some Trend Items to Mix In

Buy mostly classic clothing and some trendy items per season.  Your classic style will be “in style” longer (so purchase quality) and get trend items to add to the “style of the moment”.  Purchase some trend items like a statement jacket, accessories or trendy shoes - that brings the entire outfit into a trendy look when you put them all together.

6.  Switch Between the Girls and Boys Clothing Departments

I have been shopping between the girls and boys department for YEARS as a Kids Photo Stylist!  Many a child model has worn an item from the opposite department at a photo shoot for a client!  My thought has really been . . .  it doesn’t matter!  I’ve done this with pastel tones for boys, switching plaid and gingham shirts for girls, skinny jeans for boys, belts  . . . the list goes on!  So much is interchangeable - be open and creative when shopping.   It really doesn't matter what "department" a piece comes from - it's all interchangeable!  Fashion and wardrobe is supposed to be fun - "no rules".

Just a little “random tip” here:  When I’m shopping in the girls department, I always check out their pocketbooks for myself!  They oftentimes have the cutest little sparkly bags that are perfect “cocktail purse” for me!  I often get asked where I got my pocketbook when I’m at dinner/event . . . people are always surprised when I say I got in the girls clothing department!   This is the same idea for when I say mix trend with classic, for my pocketbook idea, I mix an oftentimes “pricey” dress with a pocketbook that costs under $20!  (Like the dress I talked about in this Post.)  A little pocketbook purchased at Target would be just perfect!

Happy Shopping! :) 

Be Playful!

Bonnie ~

Post Image by Sweenshots via Stocksy