Gardening and Planting with Kids

Today is Plant a Flower Day!  That means that Spring is arriving soon and flowers are about to bloom!  Warmer weather, sunshine and blooming flowers always lifts our spirits! 

As a kid, I have such great memories of lilacs in my grandmother’s backyard.  To this day, I look forward to the lilacs blooming every year.  While enjoying Spring and flowers are always fun, kids planting flowers also has so many benefits for kids!   Kids like to learn my doing activities (& of course they love to play in the dirt!) Great satisfaction comes from planting and then watching your plants and flowers grow over time!  (I feel this way with my herb garden I do every Summer too - its so fun to see them grow!)

Benefits To Planting With Kids:

▪︎  Teaches responsibility, planning, organizing & patience
▪︎  Encourages kids to go outside for a little exercise!
▪︎  Gives kids a sense of appreciation & love for nature
▪︎  Teaches Confidence (in what “they” helped grow!)
▪︎  Creates memories & traditions (can be something you do every spring together)
▪︎  Encourages giving & sharing (When the flowers grow, you can cut them and give (share!) with some to friends, neighbors & relatives) 
▪︎  Encourages teamwork (such as planting with a sibling)

Tips For Planting With Kids

▪︎  Give kids their own area, garden bed or pots
▪︎  Get gardening tools for their size. (& personalize them! Kids love their names on items
▪︎  Let them get dirty - that’s the fun of it all!
▪︎  Get some plants that bloom quickly (kids are impatient, although this would be an opportunity to teach patience ;)
▪︎  Mix it up by getting some seeds and some small plants that have bloomed.

You know I have to talk about Garden Style . . . 

Target always has colorful, cute items in their Kids Garden Shop, like these garden gloves
Terrain from Anthropologie has kids garden tools that are the mini size version of adult tools.
How cute is this kids wheel barrel? and this watering can?
Personalize the kids garden gloves

Happy Planting & Happy Spring! 

Image via: Emoke

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